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9:09 a.m. - 2009-05-20
all systems go
I know, I used to update this thing every freaking day. What can I say - grad school, work, pregnancy - it takes time to grow a human, People. Plus all the time I spend driving myself crazy researching stuff on the Internet related to pregnancy, birth and child-rearing.

The office is now empty and painted so I think we can officially start caling it the baby's room. Wow. That feels like a huge accomplishment - although I did almost nothing to contribute to the process besides choosing the colors and a little bit of gentle umm "prodding". (aka: threatening to leave my husband if he did not get the room cleared out ASAP.)

We had an ultrasound yesterday - everything looks good. She had her hand up by her face the whole time, like she was annoyed that we were bothering her during nap time. We invited my mom to come with us and she really enjoyed seeing the girl onscreen. (and we did ask to have the sex confirmed - thankfully, the technician pointed out the "hot dog bun" that means "girl" - ok, cool. I was soooo nervous they were going to discover some boy parts, but thankfully the little lady is just that.) They measured her - she is (according to the ultrasound which I think is probably slightly more accurate than using a Magic 8 Ball or throwing a dart at a board blindfolded) supposedly 5.5 pounds, which is a little bit big - 77th percentile. Her heart rate is fine and dandy. She is practicing breathing and she has some wispy hair, which my mother was thrilled about - apparently I was bald for the first year of my life. Being at the ultrasound makes the whole thing more real especially when you're not the one with the little wiggle-monster inside you. 7 more weeks to go!

On an unrelated note, we were at the Pirates game on Friday after my fundraiser was over. Amy and Scot and Kevin and I were walking around and after a while, I realized that there were a lot of 14 and 15 year old girls walking around, which is fairly normal - although it really seemed like there were an extra lot of them - Scott said "It's like the County Fair!" which it totally was. But the thing that got my attention was that every single one of them was wearing ummm, shorts that were approximately the same dimensions as, say, underwear. I am no exaggerating. We are talking an inseam of 1/2 inch, tops. Amy said it best: "I wouldn't want that much of me touching the seat!" We've all seen the occasional slutty Suzie baring all at Kennywood - such a thing is hardly worht mentioning. But this was ALL of them.

I'm 31 years old - an adult, but not ancient. I still read fashion magazines. I work with teenagers. Few things surprise me. How did I miss the memo about it being ok for all 10th grade girls to have their butt cheeks hanging out in public?

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