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9:05 p.m. - 2009-03-20
finally, an update.

The movie Hamlet 2 is pretty funny.

I told one of my students today that I met Tony Hawk once. He was researching skate boarding for school project and I didn't think he would know who that was or care - but he was totally shocked and completely impressed. In over two years of knowing this student, this is the single thing that has impressed him about me. I should tell people that more often.

Speaking of that - I met Paul Rudd in a bar once. Literally years go by betweethe times I tell that story because I kind of forget about it. It's one of those stories I feel totally confident about telling because I almost never tell it...however, until fairly recently, Paul Rudd hadn't come up in conversation too often...consider that, for years, his best known roll was in Clueless. Apparently he is rather popular these days, because apparently, the topic of him comes up more often...

I have always been kind of bad about forgetting I've already told someone something...and I always appreciate when someone is like "yeah, you told me that already." Anyway, preggo brain is making my memory about such things worse than EVER. One of my employees recently told me about how she'd met Danny Glover in a bar the night before. I listened to her story and then responded with "That's cool....know who I met in a bar once..." And she responds "Umm, Paul Rudd? I looked at her, shocked like "How did you know??" And she laughed really uncomfortably and was like "Well, you've mentioned it before....a few...times."

I was so embarrassed...yuck. I mean, she probably thinks I am obsessed with Paul Rudd (he is moving up on my Movie Boyfiends list) or that I just am in love with that story. Ugh.

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