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9:31 p.m. - 2007-04-18
i can't even believe it
It's still kind of hard for me to believe, but it looks like Kevin's company is sending us to Hawaii for ten days. Yup, both of us. See, this is the kind of thing that happens to other people. Not me. I seriously can't believe it. I keep waiting for him to call me and tell me they changed their minds. But it looks pretty official at this point.

We're going for ten days in June. Wow! I still actually can't believe it!

You guys, my husband has been working so hard for the past 6 months on this project, especially the last three months. He works harder than anyone else and he does what he is supposed to be doing better than anyone else. They have been TELLING him that forever but now they are actually putting their money where their mouth is...mouths are...whatever.

If you think that's awesome, check out the lyrics from the latest version of the Sho N' save commercial:

I want the quality, just not the high cost. Shop N' Save is just the right size - I never get lost!

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