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11:04 p.m. - 2007-01-03
a short update on the new year
So have you forgotten your resolutions already? i'm trying hard to stick to mine. More flexible. More gym time. Not bad so far.

My new job is interesting and overall, so far so good. Awkward at times, complicated, overwhelming, fun, even thrilling at moments when I think of how we can impact these kids who are seriously at risk for all kinds of things from academic failure to poor health. It is crucial that we do a good job to give them hope and encouragement and prepare them for life. Today I spend reading time with a 5-year old who fell asleep 2 pages into The Little Mermaid. I felt horrible until the group leader chuckled and told me that she always does that. I was relieved that I'm not officially a boring reader. Whew.

It feels good to be settling into a routine. I know my husband likes it better than Christmas chaos.

We were invited to join my extended family on a beach vacation this summer. We need a little more info before we make a decision but I think we're going to go since it's probably the cheapest way we can get away for a real vacation. I requested the time off preliminarily and my supervisor said via email "Yes, you can go. I hope you're going somewhere wonderful." I liked that response.

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