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11:23 a.m. - 2005-07-01
funk city
TOMORROW I MOVE. Wow. It's been seven months since I moved into my parents' house. That is plenty. Not sayin git's been hasn't. But it's just not "me."

I think it's too late to try to change anything drastic in my personality, but lately I have been admiring poeple who are more of the happy-go-lucky sort. People who are positive in the face of adversity and just kind of believe everything will work out. They laugh merrily at their foibles and other bad stuff that happens. They don't lie in bed like I do, running numbers every which way trying to figure out if they can afford this, that, or the other thing. They don't feel bad for not having accomplished infinitely more. They don't hate themselves for having too much stuff and being messy and eating dessert. They don't feel like a big disapointment to the world in general.

This is what we call a "funk." I was in a big one last night. Everything was worrying me. Today is better. Somehow, sometimes, a simple good night of sleep and a thorough shower and a snazzy coat of lipstick can make the world seem like a better place. And having an intern. And having her fold your newsletters so you can write your blog. OK, I'm going to help her right now, I swear.

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