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9:40 a.m. - 2005-03-09
I can't wait for October 22nd
Well, the floor tickets to the U2 concert in Pittsburgh are sold out...HOWEVER, I scored the BEST possible seats you could ever dream of having. They are "Igloo CLub" seats, which is where important people sit...access to food and drink, social area, great seats, etc. A friend's stepfather is basically The Godfather of the Mon Valley, so one quick phone call took care of business. It won't be the same as being able to "look up Bono's nose" as Megan so eloquently put it, but I'm in. Two days before the actual sale starts, mind you. Damn those Propahganda members...they took all floor tickets in three minutes. Pending is a nearby seat for Jen DiSalvo, so with any luck Team JD will be eating, drinking and being merry with Pittsburgh's most prominent U2 fans.

In other JD news, last night we met up at the Bridge, where our favorite bartender supplied us with delicious beverages and delightful banter. most amazingly horrible mullet, EVER. And his friend, whom we'll call "The Quiet One." They were originally from Texas and now from West Virginia working for....Haliburton! I felt like this whole thing was a joke. These two were the most incredible examples of Good Ole Boys you could dream of meeting. Not that I can say for sure they were actually racist, but it might be significant to mention that the only peopl ein the entire bar besides me and J Di were our (black) bartender friend and four older black gentlemen who were a fantastic Jazz Quartet. So fantastic, J Di even got up to shake it a little bit for them. SO, Mullet-Man and The Quiet One walk in and order two Bud Lights and Mullet-Man leans over and say in the most southern of accents "aaaahr Yew Tew Lay-dees from uround heeere?" We chat with them for a few minutes and answer their Pittsburgh night life questions. They were specifically looking for a Kareoke bar or something with "a little more action." I guess the jazz quartet wasn't doing it for them. So, to amuse myself, I ask Mullet Man if he likes ot sing kareoke, an he replies very seriously "I love to sing Kareoke." And to further amuse myself, I inquire "What is you FAVORITE song to do?" And without missing a beat he says "Oh, definitely Kid Rock." Awesome. We send them on their way, and our bartender leans over after they're gone and turns his computer screen around so we can see....he has to list the customers' tabs on the computer and he has to give them a name, and he has listed our new friend's tab under what else but..."Mullet."

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