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12:34 a.m. - 2004-11-19
(enter nostalgic yearbook title)
So Maddog and I were talking today about how there always seem to be people that you have feelings for, even though you got "over" them a long time ago. It's not like a real, present longing for their presence...but it's in there if you, like, close your eyes and "feel" hard enough.

This sounds like one of Angela's opening monologues from My So Called Life. P.S. Word to the wise, if you haven't seen this...>GO AND GET IT RIGHT NOW AND WATCH ALL OF IT. This is the only show on television ever that accurately depicted high school in the 90s. You'll laugh, you'll'll fall in love with Jordan Catalono (Jared Leto) and that name will become an adjective in your life. Sort of like how "Bob" is an adjective, if you've had the (pleasure? misfortune?) of knowing Mr. Cantoni. Just kidding. Bob is great. But he is....Bob.

Things besides My So Called Life that give me nostalgia and have strange and unique early high school feelings attached to them:

Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place on thursdays nights

Pearl Jam's "Ten" album

Saturday Night Live with people like Dana Carvey and Mike Meyers

The song "I wanna be Adored" by The Stone Roses.

This one button down shirt that I wore with a tie to school one day and everyone thought it was cool. My first experience with trend setting.

Hawaian Tropics Dark Tanning Oil. Spags and I got burned every summer with that stuff. We loved how the sand from the beach stuck to it and reminded us of our band of cute surfer boys, "The Sprigtail Houey" from North Carolina.

Cous Cous. Spags introduced me to it and I think of her whenever I see it or eat it.

Gantos...the store where middle aged mid-western and Pittsburgh women shop for sparkly outfits to wear to parties and where 9th graders shop for their first dress that costs more that 100 dollars (off the shoulder, red, optional matching scrunchie...perhaps you've seen this picture on Matt and Kellys mantel?)

Gonna Make You Sweat by C & C Music Factory...which I had the pleasure of listening to recently courtesy of Brookelyn Williams.

Question: Everybody knows what "split the fingers" means, right?

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