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10:03 p.m. - 2004-10-20
VOTE, for the love. VOTE.
Some tidbits zooming around inside my skull this evening:

Why do they call it piracy when someone steals music instead of simply "theft"? I know it's totally obvious, but I briefly mentally picture an eye-patch havin', short sword wieldin', bandana wearin' mustache sportin' dude holding up a CD and going "Ahrrrr." Doesn't everyone?

Theresa Heinz Kerry is like the worst thing that ever happened to this election year's Democratic platform. At least she's not a wall flower/seen and not heard trophy wife, but the lack of class and tact are not scoring the John-John team any points. I know Pittsburgh girls can be saucy but geez louise. I mean, she's like....I don't know...Miss Hanigan in Annie. Half drunk, stumbling around insulting people...If there hasn't already been an SNL skit about this, it's coming, I assure you. The big TK needs an image consultant and FAST. I am available you know...

Sara Taylor's wedding invitation came in the mail today. Wow. I hate saying things like this seems like just yesterday, she was a confused 18 year old who wasn't sure what the hell she was doing in my bible study. She doesn't read this but I will offer up to the universe and the various readers that Sara is a simply delightful, wonderously faithful, inhumanly patient and super encouraging woman whom I am blessed to know.

Patrick, I did leave a comment on your blog.

Catherine, it's "shot through the heart, and you're to BLAME."

Mae, I'm putting in my call to Allan Greenspan. Just you wait. Hey y'all, if anyone wanna help hook a sista up wit' some WHEELS, please get in touch with the maddog. See She totalled her car and is in need of a small miracle. I wish I knew Oprah, Mae. Or Bono. I am working on it...

Everyone, even if you're sick of talking politics, I think you should keep doing it. Or start doing it. Don't be afraid, and don't get all mad. It's good for us to talk about these things. Just don't be ignorant and uninformed and do something crazy-making like vote for the county commissioner candidate with the best name. Get involved in your communities folks. (I'm reminding myself, too, since I've just moved to a new place.) Know the issues. Pay attention. It's fun, and you can actually make things happen. See This lady is making things happen. We could all learn a lot from her efforts to prevent Petland from descending upon Athens. We should all be activists. Just pick your cause and get out there. If you're not registered to vote...oh man....don't make me sic Brookelyn on you...

OK. Soapbox relinquished...for now.

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