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10:15 a.m. - 2007-07-14
bathroom preferences
Last night we went out with our friends jeff and haley. They had never met before, and it was kind of a blind date. All things considered, i say it went smashingly well. At one point, the conversation took a sudden turn to sharing personal preferences about public restrooms and the unspoken rules of urinal use.

Apparently, you are only permitted to select a urinal next to someone else if you are at a baseball game or other sports event where it is very crowded and everyone goes at once. Meaning, if you are in a restaurant and there are 5 urinals and 1, 3 and 5 are being used, you wait at the sink until someone is done rather than choose 2 or 4 because whoever you choose to be next to (1 or 5, because 3 is a given) will think you like them or something.

I almost always use the handicapped bathroom unless it is a crowded situation. Because I see that one being used the least. Haley thinks there are two kinds of people - people who use the first stall you see when you come in, as in closest to the door. These are people who don't care or think this through - and people who use the handicapped bathroom - people like me who think that one has the least use. So Haley thinks the best choice is the bathroom furthest from the door and next to the handicapped bathroom. I think she's got something there.

Also we are in agreement that the only product that takes too much time and effort to price out for the best deal is toilet paper. I have probably mentioned this before but there are just too many aspects to consider. How many rolls per pack and whether or not you want your entire grocery cart taken up by a 48 pack of Charmin because it's on sale. How many sheets per roll. Size of sheet. One ply or two ply. Overall quality. And, a newly discovered aspect - likelihood of causing plumbing problems. (Apparently, angel soft has a reputation for clogging the pipes.)

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