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11:21 p.m. - 2007-02-28
scary movie, scary brides...and blake!
I am still laughing really hard upon having recently learned that my recent reference to blake on American idol and gabe preston reminding me slightly of each other in a really good way, making brooke, dear dear dear brooke, have to take a time out.

Ok, ok - i am sorry I made you feel how i would feel if you compared kevin to mayonaise or spiders.

But I maintain that I really really like him - blake that is. you already know I like gabe. i just think he is adorable and cute in that pop-ish, trendy way that is what American Idol is all about. I'll probably never buy an album of an Idol star - the music it ends up producing just isn't my thing. The beat-boxing is fantastic - it makes me rally happy. Don't get me wrong - he's no Bono. It's about the things that are the complete opposite of what I love Bono for.

i promise to buy you a gigantic delicious fruity drink, as you suggested, the very next time i see you.

On to other things...

The Rembrant commercial with the two people kissing makes me tear up.

I wish I had the 2nd and 3rd Harry Potter books. I may need to make a trip to the library.

i had two kids in my office yesterday because of the following conversation that transpired between them

"Why you walkin' so faggoty?"

"You're a whore."

You're MOTHER is a whore."

Sigh. They are 10 years old. TEN.

Despite my lectures, they were unrepentant. This resulted in two separate phone calls home, in which I simply put on the speakerphone and asked the respective offenders to repeat their comments to their own mothers. In one case this resulted in me being screamed at for "accusing my son of this bull***t." Ummm. Didn't he just tell you himself he said that?!?!?! That little bit of me pointing out the obvious resulted in backpeddaling and eventually, after me saying a lot of things about how "crucial it is for us to be on the same page, because we both want is in the best interests of the students here" it led to some peace and agreement. Whew. I thought I was going to have to bust out with some whitney "I believe the children are our fu-u-ture....teach them well and let them lead the way...."

Oi vey people!

That game show with the 5th graders is the stupidest thing i have ever seen in my life.

I love it that Angelina Jolie is in Darfur. I know, she kind of sucks for stealing Brad from jennifer and breaking up a marriage. But she is doing such great things!

Apparently Filene's Basement, the discount but somewhat upscale women's clothing chain does this thing called the running of the brides. All of these engaged girls and their friends and moms line up outside like people do on black friday and rush into the store like wild, crazed, well...brides...and frantically, screaming and running, find their size on drastically discounted dresses which are in plastic bags on racks with seemingly no rhyme or reason to their organization. They grab a dress, rip off their clothes and try it on right there in front of everyone and they then realize that they have grabbed a size 22 when they are a size 4 and then have their mother walk around holding the dress up yelling " a 22...need a 4....need a 4 for a 22" until someone else's mother runs up to them with a 4, while each of the girls are crying and pouting on opposite sides of the store in their underwear. It seems impossible to even locate one's appropriate size, let alone a dress they might actually like.

As I was watching this segment on Jay Leno about this all I could think about was how that seems like the most horrible, stressful experience in the existence of shopping and possibly life in general. ok. Second perhaps to the Holocaust. I tried to imagine someone like Kelly Cooke engaging in such an activity. Hee hee. That's funny.

Tim Allen should have quit after Home Improvement.

I am tired of horror movie trailers interuppting my blogging and scaring the crap out of me. Don't they realize I am at home all alone and now I'm afraid that Zodiac or the crazy doll lady is going to come around the corner and kill me. It's ok though - Henry will protect me. And Ted will call 911. And Gooski will attack them and eat their eyeballs because he's cranky like that.

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