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9:29 a.m. - 2006-01-30
Slurpie anyone?
Happy Monday everyone!

That makes it sound like I'm in some annoyingly good mood. I'm not. I mean, I'm not in a bad mood or anything. But it IS Monday, you know.

I have a second interview on Wednesday. It's interesting with second interviews. Sometimes, they interview oh, say 8 people in a first round of interviews and pick 2 or 3 to come back for a secon done to decide which is the best fit. In this case, you really need to set yourself apart and work it to make sure you're chosen. Other times, you've made such a good impression in your first interview and they like you so much, they just want to introduce you to a board member or someone and get on with hiring you. In this case, the bottom line is "just don't screw anything up." But one rarely knows which situation they are walking in to. So you have to have that mentality of "be the best" and "don't screw up" which is what most of one's career life is about anyway, so really it's just like any other day of work. Except you're wearing your best suit and praying your panty hose don't get a run or fall down as you're shaking the board president's hand. Although in some less than wholesome professions, that may be exactly the sort of thing you should be going for.

Kels and I had a conversation last night about wording on cold medicine packaging. Specifically the term "productive cough." You know, like they want to communicate that an ingredient in the medicine helps get all of that yellow-brownish crap out of your bronchial tubes. We wondered how long the copy writers and PR types sat around playing with that wording.

"Helps you come up with some colossal hockers."

"Creates a hacking cough that makes you sound like you're dying and ends with a gigantic loogey being spit into your sink."

"Removes from lungs, via the throat and then mouth, chunky gooey matter that resmbles an alien embryo."

I am so sorry if this is making you gag. I would gag if I read that, but I am having a grand old time writing it. Did you know that anyone's mucus besides mine and apparently Kevin's (we had a very non-sexual but intimate experience with his mucus recently) makes me gag?

Here is a very disgusting story. If this has made you queasy so far, please stop now. I get absolutely nauseated when I recall this hideous experience.

I was with some friends, looking for apartments years and years ago. We were in an Eastern, coastal town and we were crossing a street, four of us. I was third to cross and the person behind me was in view via the corner of my eye. He sneezed into his hand. Ah-choo! I had to turn my head the other way to check for traffic and when I turned back to say "Bless you".....I kid you not and I exaggerate not...I caught him 1. noticing he had "ah-chooed" quite a bit of, um, snot into his hand 2. ineffectively glanced around to see if anyone was looking (I had turned my head and was watching this mess out of my peripheral) and....I'm sorry but there is no other word....SLURPPED up his snot. Oh geez. I am gagging. EWWWWWWWWW! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. I am a horrible person for even writing this....but I did warn you.

In all honesty, this person, who probably only one person who reads this blog knows...MOM....this person, being older than I was had always been a tiny bit intimidating....but after that experience. Ha.

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