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3:19 p.m. - 2005-08-22
Taboo isn't exactly news
This time of year, there's really not much going on. There's a lot to be busy about...the calendar continues to bubble over...but there's nothing really GOING ON. I guess all I mean is that NPR was really boring this morning and I felt bad for Alexandrea Chaclose and the other folks who faithfully deliver the news to my ears during the morning commute. The news stories went sort of like this: "....yeah, so the Iraqis still aren't done with that constitution....they want to close some military base in Conneticut and people are kind of annoyed about it....Cindy Sheehan is still all kinds of pissed off but she got tired of standing around and went who have parents in Iraq go to summer camp just like other kids do....and ummm, well, my cat didn't finish his breakfast this morning. That's it? that's all we've got? Well, umm, ok. That's it for the news today."

Yesterday I learned the meaning of the term "ticker tape parade." I had no idea...I thought that meant that it was a parade that was on television while the stock market numbers fly by�.like a two in one deal�watch this parade and manage your portfolio. I don�t know where I get these ideas�.it�s that whole problem I have of making too many assumptions and not asking enough questions. I�m trying to get better.

Kevin and I are awesome at the game Taboo. I officially issue a challenge. Otherwise, we will hold the title of Awesomest Taboo Playing Couple indefinitely. I'm sure there is a better name for that title...perhaps one with a handy acronym. Any suggestions? I am AWFUL at coming up with acronyms.

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