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10:09 a.m. - 2005-04-19
mulch and david palmer
SO I think maybe I like doing yardwork. This is one of those things, like hiking, that at one point in my life I just sort of came to terms with my distate for. I just don't like it, I thought. As you all know, it took me quite some time to get there, and be comfortable with my aversion to hiking. It just seems like something that I SHOULD The Decemberists or Ugg boots or cake. I know most people who have encountered these things like them...but I just don't. One of my outstanding characteristics, I like to think, is that I know what I like and what I don't like and I'm not afraid to tell you what falls on which side of the fence. I mean, can you imagine the following happening:

"Hey, Jessi, what do you think of my new girlfriend?"

"Gee, I don't know. Ask someone else."

Yeah. Right. Like that would ever happen. You know I have an opinion on everything. I try to keep it to myself if it's not helpful or productive. Sometimes. But you know I have one.

And my opinion of hiking is a negative one. We know this. This is merely an example to supplement my main point which was lost somewhere back...oh here it is.


I did a bit of yardwork yesterday. After making my father carefully inspect the work gloves for spiders...shudder...I put them on and got to work raking leaves. THen I put the leaves on a tarp and dragged the tarp with leaves into the woods while my dog enthusiastically led the way, ready to destroy any dangerous animals like squirrils that we might encounter. I dumped the leaves and returned to the yard. Here, I spread mulch. A lot of it. It is stinky...but it is fun to squat in and move all around the various garden areas of the yard. It gets kind of warm when it's in a pile because it's sort of fermented because I think it has some poop or something in it. Then I trimmed blueberry bushes and used a high powered leaf blower....this was very very fun. As he handed it to me and saw the devilish gleam in my eye, my father said to me pointedly "Do not blow it at the dog." Damn. It makes a really good Zooom....zoooooooomm sound.

Attention Seattle people: Most specifically certain 24 watchers. Did you guys watch it? Did you yell when they started talking about bad things happenign in Iowa? Did you see the previews for next wekk? Hello former president David Palmer!!!

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