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12:44 p.m. - 2005-03-31
Grandma, you're crazy
So, today kind of sucks. Terri Shaivo died. Which is sad and good at the same time, I think. Today also sucks because I have sent out numerous emails that if answered could potentially change my life. None have been answered.

Another reason today sucks is that Bethany's boss is pretty much putting an offer on the table for me to have a job. In Seattle. Tacoma, actually. Ah, yes, just when I get the slightest bit settled. I don't know what the crap to do. I am so tired of making BIG life altering decisions. p>

This Tacoma job is a pretty great job. With pretty great money and benefits. I would be the Associate Director. Sigh. That title sounds so....nice. Associate Directors become Directors when the real director dies or has a baby or whatever. That's awesome. Doesn't anyone want me to be the Associate Director of something HERE so I don't have to MOVE again?

On another my co-workers were chit chatting during lunch, the following story came out:

A couple in their early 30s got pregnant and decided to not find out the baby's sex. They wanted to be surprised and for everyone else to be surprised. Apparently this not knowing thing so completely drove the baby's paternal grandma (the father's mom) so insane with anxiety that she told one of my co-worker's (this crazy lady is a friend of one of my co-workers) that it was ruining her life. OK, first of all....SHUT UP. As if that in and of itself is not pure evidence that this woman is the world's most self centered person, to make matters worse...this is what my co-worker then shared.

"So, I told her that if it was really bothering her that much, to go ahead and call up the doctor and maybe he would tell her the baby's sex."

Ok, look. I know this isn't Seattle or New York or any other progressive place where they actually take HIIPA laws seriously, but it also isn't Little House on the Prairie where Doc Baker is sitting on his porch down the road a ways and you can just pop by and casually ask him or threaten him that you'll turn his cattle loose if he doesn't give you the info you want.

Secondly, what the hell? I know pregnant people do all sorts of weird things like not tell anyone the baby's name until it's born and at the rate this is popularizing...eventually it's going to get to the point where people don't tell anyone their kid's name until it's 5th birthday. But still...what the hell? Call the doctor? And find out personal, health related information that your son and daughter-in-law have specifically told you you may not have access to? And my co-worker not only totally empathized with the crazy selfish lady but advised her to take this action???

When I put in my (quietly and politely dumbed down version) reaction, she shook her head at me and simply said "Well, you don't know what it's like for a grandmother-to-be."

Well, that's true. She's got me there. But I do know crazy-as-hell self-centered rude coniving illegal inappropriate impatient disrespectful behavior when I see it. Oy vey...

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