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11:36 a.m. - 2004-11-21
five bucks well spent
Yeah, so last night, we...we being me and the Cookes and the Leafgren and the Preston, went to see the Logan High School production of Godspell. Wow.

First of all, Jesus was HOT. I'm not kidding. I know, he was like 17 or whatever, but I seriously almost gave him my number. OK, not really...but I'm telling you...he was cute in that hippie, laid back, musically inclined, in a mildly Schlagbaum-esque sort of way. And he played a good Jesus. He was actually signing autographs after the show.

So there was Jesus...and then there was this other kid. He was so awful, we talked about it the entire way home. See, the thing about Godspell is that there's only ten people in the whole show. Five guys and five girls. And every person has like three solos. So, in a certain sense, one could assume that these kids are the cream of the crop in terms of performance ability. This kid could not sing. He could not dance. He did not even wear his shirt very well. It was so bad it was good. We decided on the way home that rather than choose the most talented students, as is usually done in musical auditions, maybe they went with more of a cross section of the students. A random sample, if you will.

I'm not sure who paid for my ticket but it was five bucks well spent.

And oh yeah, has anyone seen the Brittany Spears video where she runs up to Snoop Dogg and jumps on him and wraps her legs around his waist and sings to him on the basketball court. It's unbelievable in that "Did I really just see whatI think I just saw?" way. Especially since everyone knows Snoop is MY boyfriend.

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