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10:46 a.m. - 2004-06-03
oliver elliott
Chris and Angie have a baby. Isn't that great? I was told by Chris to spread the word, so....this is me spreading the word. His name is Oliver Elliott. He is white. he is from Columbus. They are thrilled to be parents. For all ya'll Seattlites I intend to send some Baby goodies their way, so let me know if you're in. You can give me a donation to the "Yay Chris and Angie have a baby" fund, or pick out something yourself and I will send it. As most of you know, this has been a long time coming....they have experienced a lot of heart break and waiting and disappointment and mroe waiting.....but they've been hopeful and faithful....and now they have a little squirming person's butt to wipe. Woo-hoo!

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