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9:11 a.m. - 2004-05-12
misty water colored memories
Katie: it's ok; you didn't want to work for The Gap this summer...they use sweatshop labor.

Everyone else: Hi. Today I will be folding papers into brochures. Then I will call people who have sent in applications and might be interested in volunteering with our program. Because many of these people are retired (read: OLD) I will have to say over and over again "...the OMBUDSMAN program. No, I'm not selling anything....You sent in an, It's a VOLUNTEER program....yes, my name is Jessi...not not Stephie...JESSI!" Sigh. I will also do a fair amount of cropping photos for my newsletter. Was anyone else the editor of their yearbook in highschool? We had to use this awful little gadget that I kept poking myself with that somehow was used to measure how photos were to be cropped and placed in the yearbook. I recall hours of sitting with Amy Butler in the library the week before graduation mostly gossiping and not doing what we were supposed to be doing. Mrs. Oterman was the faculty member who was in charge of the yearbook, and who was a really mean crotchety old lady, and she kept yelling at us that we didn't have enough done. She kept saying how she wasn't going to get stuck doing it all herself. Well, by this point, Amy and I had totally lost interest and were "so over" high school anyway. To make a long story slightly shorter....the day after graduation, after partaking in various illegal substances, we looked up Mrs. Oterman's address and had our friend Gerb drive us and the yearbook stuff to her house in the middle of the night and left it in her mailbox, totally unfinished.

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