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9:59 a.m. - 2007-11-21

I really like web sites where you click and something happens for free, like for every click a woman gets a free mamogram. It seems that this is made possible by advertisers. Here is a great site that is fun and helps others.

It's a vocabulary test and for every answer you get right, ten grains of rice are donated via the United Nations to those in need. I played until I got up to 200 grains of rice - I figured that was about a bowl.

The project started a little over a month ago. On the first day a little over 800 grains were tallied. The total just 40 or so days later (as of yesterday) is in the billions. It's the time of Thanksgiving and I think most of you welcome ways to help others. Plus it's fun to learn new words. After the first few answers, it assigns you a vocabulary level based on how you've done. When you get one wrong, it goes down a level and when you get three in a row right, it goes up a level. I was at level 37 for most of the time (scale of 1-50) so you can see if you're smarter than me or not. So...go try it!

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