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9:15 a.m. - 2006-02-14
interview time
Happy Valentines Day folks.

Today kicks off a new season of interviews. Here is the first one. YOU might be next.

Subject: Mike Oates

What is the best thing that has happened so far in 2006?

It's a tie between the creation of my band "The Lazer Falcon" or becoming a Special Ed. Teacher. One helps me build upon my serious life and the other helps me to aspire to the life I choose to live.

What makes you really happy in general?

Well, for instance, this new year's I dressed up as "The French Mechanic" asking all of the party goers...."Wuuuuld ,.....yu Ol' Chaaange". I got this sweet mechanic's onsie with one of them fancy french hats that I'm not sure how you spell ....barray....bareeate....booorrat? Then I printed the worlds "The French Mechanic" on the back. That was a good time.

Share a pet peeve.

When people wipe off the condensation from my window when it is winter and then there are smear marks on my windows for months.

How do you know me?

Because you're Jesse Dobbos. We met in college. We were both active in Navigators and we went to Cedar Point once in matching Fubu outfits. Actually it was four times.

Is there anything you are wishing/praying very hard for right now?


What is one cause in the world you wish more people knew/cared

All of em.

Who do you live with and how is it working for you?

I live with my wife and my pet cat Keith Wasserman. April and I are working out swell but I always come home to Keith sleeping on my couch and when I wake him up he swares that he was working on his resume all day. He has been saying that for 3 years.
Tell us about your most recent injury.

If you like children, at what age do you think they are the most

I like the 1-3 year olds.

Any allergies we should know about?


Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Living in a small house in an area that has no appeal to anyone but me and the lady I live with. This area will be in Ohio....probably western ohio and I would have some chickens, and a little bit of a sustainable lifestyle....still driving my toyota corrolla '97.

What is the best new product you've tried recently?


What is a tried and true product or service you can't live without?

Sweet Brown Liquid

Finish this sentence: "Inspiration is...."

why must we hurt each other and call it love

What current tv show is tough to resist?

My guilty pleasure has been Smallville, The West Wing, and Felicity ...yea that's right Felicity....that show is awesome and so am I.

Name a guilty pleasure of yours. Example: Listening to Michael
Bolten or Eating a whole container of Ben and Jerry's.

Watching Felicity

Describe a great night out in Athens. And one in Seattle.

In Athens, going to Casa, perhaps witnessing some rock and roll Karaoke' and sitting in the Lachman's living room yelling at Bob.

Tell us about a place we should all visit.

My new website's in progress and

Who is your favorite unsung hero?

Sung Whan Choi

Who is someone else you admire and why?

Bob Pollard from Guided By Voices....for quotes like this one "I can write 5 songs while sitting on the pot and 3 of them would be good"

What is one thing you know for sure is true?

...that like minds think alike..........

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