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3:51 p.m. - 2005-03-02
Tears for fears
So I just had this interview with this really cool organization. I didn't think I'd like it at first, and I was actually a little concerned that I'd never heard of the organization before. But it was one of those interviews where you're blood pressure just kind of creeps up and up and up because you're like "Yeah, this is alright...Oooh, I like this...I like it a lot...I like it even more....Ok, I'm in. Pick me. Pick ME!" And then you hear something about how there are four other candidates and one or MAYBE two positions, and you start doing crazy math in your head trying to figure out the odds that you are smarter, better, more qualified, more engaging, more prepared, better dressed, more friendly, more articulate, luckier, smell better and have a name that appeals to the person who is interviewing you, as opposed to having, say, the name of the interviewer's dog that was run over by a Mac truck in front of her eyes when she was seven and the sound of your name causes her to break out into a cold sweat and begin sobbing.

Fortunately nothign of the sort happened, and the interview lasted almost two hours, which I'd say is a good sign. Next step is to find out if I've made it to the panel interview stage. The last time I had a panel/group interview about 3 years ago, I made one of the women cry because she ws so moved by my answer to the question "Why do you have a passion for working with At-Risk Youth?" Good. Very Good. Crying because of being emotionally prompted by an applicant's passion for the work. Very very good. But I didn't get the job. Bad. Very Bad.

Speaking of crying, raise your hand if you've actually witnessed me cry because of a puppy. You may indicate a raised hand by responding with an "Aye" in the guestbook. Puppies make me cry. The movie Steel Magnolias makes me cry. Gabe Preston often makes me laugh so hard I "do that tear thing" as he says, which basically means my whole body shakes and my eyes fill with tears. I cry when my friends are mad at me. Kels, remember that time I cried in my room because you asked me if I'd ever taken the garbage out? I don't cry at funerals (lately because I've been the one giving the eulogies and you MAY NOT cry if you are speaking in public.) I almost cried when I learned Bush would be around for four more years, but I've come to think that is probably kind of good...meaning that maybe we need to let him run the country into the ground and maybe now this time, the democrats can actually get someone good. Maybe? I cried at the U2 Elevation Tour concert. I creid when my mom asked me to take out my nose ring for church but that was because I had PMS.

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